Communication Skills

Although you will not be physically present with your partner during deployment, it is important for the well-being of both of you to continue to emotionally support each other. The goal of this section is to help you make your communication effective and supportive for you and your loved one.

Though technology has improved significantly, there will be roadblocks to the amount and quality of communication you have. Calls or video chats may be random and come at strange hours. Emails or letters may be short. It is important to know what communication tools are available. Because of the unpredictable nature of the contact, it is essential to be able to communicate effectively. You may also find that this chapter’s tools help you improve the way you communicate with friends and Family, making it more likely that you will receive the support you need.

All couples have different patterns, types and frequencies of communication. During deployment, it is essential for both of you to determine what works best for you as a couple. Have realistic expectations for frequency of contact and the specific things your loved one would like to know about.

Some couples communicate every day; others do so just once a week. It depends on the nature of your loved one’s job and their access to communication devices. The goal of this section is to help you make that communication effective and supportive for you and your partner. Start the Module.

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