ssertive communication

Assertive Communication and Finding Help

There are basic steps to learning how to communicate assertively. The more you practice these, the more comfortable you will be in using them. Knowing how to find resources and how to ask for help by communicating assertively will enable you to make the most of the benefits available to you. By being organized and purposeful, you can make the best use of your resources.

Learning to be more assertive can help you understand, recognize and effectively express your feelings when communicating with others about difficult issues. It also enables others to know what they can do for you. Being assertive can help prevent future conflict and reduce stress. It helps you formulate clear and concrete objectives to obtain your goals. Speaking this way can keep people from walking all over you and also prevent you from doing the same to others. Assertive communication considers your needs and the needs, feelings and welfare of others; it is not passive, aggressive or hostile. Using assertive communication can build your confidence, create win-win situations, improve your decision-making and lead to stronger, more honest relationships.

Everyone needs help at some point. This isn’t an indication of weakness or incompetence. Trying to do too much without others can lead to anxiety and depression. Our society often gives mixed signals. We value self-sufficiency but also honor helping others. People are social by nature and need a sense of community with others who are in the same situation. Giving and receiving help make us part of that community. This chapter provides you with many resources for getting the help you need.

The military and your community have numerous resources for you, your partner and your Family members. Knowing how to find these resources and how to assertively ask for help will allow you to make the most of your benefits. Start the Module.

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