PSA Videos

Public Service Announcement (PSA)


Leader Visibility Tools

The Army is providing commanders with leader visibility tools to help them track the health and resilience of their Soldiers.

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ArmyFit Azimuth Check

Azimuth Check is a confidential self-assessment survey that determines your resilience and well-being.

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Slam Dunk – Army SHARP

By practicing skills that keep us within the boundaries of proper social interaction and by living the seven values of the U.S. Army, we can head off behavior that leads to sexual harassment and sexual assault.

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Intervene – Army SHARP

Being a passive bystander is never an option. Intervene, act and motivate others to do the same.

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Male Sexual Harasser – Army SHARP

If you think sexual harassment is harmless, how would you feel if it happened to you?

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It’s Sexual Harassment and it’s a Crime – Army SHARP

It is sexual harassment and a crime to send intimate images online without consent. It undermines discipline and teamwork.

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In Plain Sight – Army SHARP

Predators aren’t always obvious.

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Quid Pro Quo - Male Perspective - Army SHARP

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Dignity and Respect – Army SHARP

It’s OK to say that things are not OK. It’s up to all of us to instill a climate of dignity and respect.

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Quid Pro Quo – Female Perspective – Army SHARP

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SHARP Ready – Army SHARP

Are you and your unit SHARP ready?

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Be Resilient – Suicide Prevention

Suicide is a community issue that requires a community response.

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A Personal Story – Sgt. Maj. VanKleek – Suicide Prevention

Sgt. Maj. VanKleek shares his story of seeking help when he considered suicide.

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The Note – Suicide Prevention

These Soldiers survived because a buddy or leader intervened. If you’re struggling or know someone who is, take action.

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A Personal Story – Sgt. First Class Porterfield – Suicide Prevention

Sgt. First Class Porterfield shares her story about choosing to live when she wanted to die.

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Objectification – Army SHARP

Objectification goes against all the Army stands for.

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By Age 24 – Army SHARP

If you know a Soldier who is feeling stressed or hopeless, take action. Tell them you care. Get them help. There are no bystanders in the U.S. Army.

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Take a Stand – Army

If you see something, take a stand and intervene. Make a difference.

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Prevention at All Levels – Army SHARP

Don’t be afraid to take a stand. Your actions can help prevent sexual harassment or sexual assault.

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Performance Enhancement Training – R2

The same mental training that elite athletes use can help your unit show measurable increases in confidence, goal-setting and attention control.

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Commanders Risk-Reduction Toolkit

As a commander, you have a lot to track, including the resiliency of your Soldiers. The Commanders Risk-Reduction Toolkit can help by enabling you to get a real-time look at the risky behavior occurring in your unit.

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Deployment Health Assessment Program (DHAP) Commander’s Message

As commanders, we do well in conducting pre- and post-deployment assessments. But it’s in the reassessment a few months later that other issues can surface. A key to DHAP success is encouraging honest feedback.

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Warning Signs – Suicide Prevention

Look for warning signs of suicide to help prevent it.

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Army Substance Abuse Program

Struggling with drugs or alcohol? Contact your local Army Substance Abuse Program office.

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Prevention at All Levels

We all watch out for each other — even get in each other’s business! Do your part to build a more cohesive team.

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Unit Cohesion

Encourage your Soldiers to grab meals together and talk about their lives. Shared hardships and life experiences result in cohesive teams, in which there are fewer instances of drug abuse, sexual assault and suicide.

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Engage – R2

Our foundation is built on trust: getting to know new members by listening to, accepting and engaging with them on a deeper level.

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Deployment Health Assessment Program (DHAP)

The Deployment Health Assessment Program, or DHAP, evaluates the physical and mental health of Soldiers and Army Civilians using three proactive screenings: pre-deployment, post-deployment and a post-deployment reassessment.

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Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free, confidential source of professional counseling and referrals for a wide range of issues. DA Civilians, Soldiers and qualifying dependents are eligible. Contact your local EAP office to resolve personal issues before they affect your job performance.

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Body-Composition Assessment

All Soldiers who are required to undergo a body-composition assessment must be carefully measured according to set standards that apply to all body types.

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